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Wildlife Paintings

This is the Red Rag Modern Art Gallery website page which features contemporary paintings of Animals, Birds and Fish. The painting of wildlife subjects has been a constant source of inspiration for many artists over the years. Today's artists remain equally fascinated in producing fine wildlife art works carrying on a most important tradition

All the paintings promoted by Red Rag Modern Art Gallery have been sourced from the best of today's living contemporary artists. Each painting at Red Rag has been acquired from Modern art studio of each featured artist. You can therefore be assured that all paintings from Red Rag Modern Art Gallery are art works from the artist.

Red Rag Modern Art Gallery is open seven days a week for sales of Modern Art. All wildlife Modern art from Red Rag can be delivered throughout the world service normally within a few days of purchase.

To view the Wildlife Modern art work of each artist simply click on the artist's name or image. Information about every contemporary painting including size and price is displayed by clicking on the image for each Modern art work.

If you would like to buy a painting featuring Animals, Birds or Fish or require further information about Red Rag Modern art please contact Red Rag Modern Art Gallery

Annie DREW Annie DREW - Koala
Simon GARDEN Simon GARDEN - Small Kindness
Bryan HANLON Bryan HANLON - The Beauty of Simple Things, Goldfinch and Jelly Mould
Sasha HARDING Sasha HARDING - The Stag
Este MacLEOD Este MacLEOD - Summer Song
Morag MUIR Morag MUIR - You and Me
David POLE David POLE - Summer's Lease
Rex PRESTON Rex PRESTON - Hathersage Moor, Derbyshire
Donald PROVAN Donald PROVAN - Trio
Ann SHRAGER Ann SHRAGER - Washing the Elephant
Jane WINTON Jane WINTON - Circus Pony
red rag contemporary Modern art gallery

British Art - Wildlife

Scottish Art - Wildlife

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